Did you know that one of the ways you are entitled to vote in the forthcoming Labour leadership election is as a Labour ‘supporter’?
How do you get to be that? Well, you give Labour three quid – three whole pounds – and register online to say you’re a supporter. Wow – such commitment. Pay three quid and have the same say as a committed party member of twenty or thirty years’ standing and/or somebody who gives many times that amount of money each year. That seems fair: much better than the bad old days, isn’t it?
What an opportunity for devious people to influence the result in favour of the best candidate from their point of view. I’m sure Conservative Megabucks Inc. could afford to rustle up any number of ‘supporters’ at three quid a time just to vote for the candidate they see as least likely to threaten their own party.
But I don’t suppose they will, and they probably don’t feel they need to. Just thought I’d mention it as a possibility.