Who are we, you ask?
First, visualise the smallest publisher you can think of. . . . Done that? Good. Well, we’re much smaller than that.
‘Coming soon . . .’
Yes – or quite soon. . . . Needless to say (but we’re going to anyway), this is simply a placekeeper website whose function is to maintain an eerie presence while we busy ourselves elsewhere with crucial publishing chores.
One day this space will be filled with spellbinding content, glittering so brightly that it will be visible from the surface of Mars.
Until then, please bear with us. And when that ‘one day’ comes and you return here, you’ll be able to say to yourself and to any bystanders, ‘I can remember when all this was just fields’.
Our publications
IAP’s next book will be The Journal of Enoch Buzzacott, Curate, out in the summer of 2024. It will be followed by Overlooked, which in turn will be followed (at a respectable interval) by its sequel. . . . But that’s something for another time.
What people say
People say all manner of things.

Wistful thoughts
Igor and Lottie, cats of destiny